The TTMA is a limited company, we recruit and train volunteers to undertake marshalling duties around the 37.73 miles course during the TT fortnight in May/June and the Manx Grand Prix fortnight in August/September each year.
The company has seven directors, all volunteers, who oversee a multitude of roles throughout the year including recruitment, training, liaison with the ACU and the IOM Government, organising marshal registration and securing benefits.
The company directors are Jane Corlett (Chairman), Andrew Priestley (Vice-Chairman), Neil Smith (Director of Training), Amber Ward (Director), Laura Sawyer (Director), Chris Smith (Director) supported by an office manager and 2 administrators
The TTMA is supported by twelve Chief Sector Marshals, more than 120 Deputy Sector Marshals and thousands of dedicated individuals who all volunteer their time to ensure racing can take place around the TT course for each and every event. The Directors extend their grateful thanks to each and every one of them for their help.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of marshalling for the biggest and most adrenaline fuelled motorsport event in the world, the Isle of Man TT!
BECOME A MARSHALWe'll keep you updated with all the latest news, updates and special offers throughout the year.